Florida Native Wildflowers

Florida Native Wildflowers

Maple Street Natives, Inc.

Shipping local seed, 4” pots and 1 gallon Florida Native Plants grown at our nursery.

Next shipping date March 31st

Thank you for your continuing support.

Online sales ship on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

4” pots and seeds ship flat rate 11.50 Seeds are shipped only no pickup.

1 gallon pots add extra shipping cost

Most plants are pictured with flower and more mature than newer plants. Want a current photo? Email @ FloridaNativeWildflowers@gmail.com

Local (Brevard County) pickups must be prearranged and have a minimum purchase. Not a nursery visit. Pickup at front gate. Email FloridaNativeWildflowers@gmail.com

Water your plants and add full to partial sun as soon as they arrive

Pesticide Free Plants

All seeds germinated at the nursery and viable.

Solar Powered Facility

Butterfly Host 

Plant Native Habitat. 

Support our pollinators. 

Follow planting instructions below. 

Let us know you are having success.

Email - floridanativewildflowers@gmail.com 

 Pictured: Firebush

Support Pollinators

Planting Instructions

Add Soil to Pot for seed planting

Seed germination. Add soil to pot or plant in direct parent soil in beds.

4" and 1 gallon pots. Dig a hole twice the size of the pot. Add slow release fertilizer (if needed) in the hole (no runoff). Water well until established.

Add Germination Mix for Seeds

Top Dress with Germination mix in a pot or on top of parent soil in planting bed.

Add Fresh Seeds from Packet

Add seeds from packet and water gently.  Keep moist in sunlight, water until established.
If you are storing seeds, keep stored in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator.