Florida Native Wildflowers

Florida Native Wildflowers

Shipping 4” pots, liners, seeds, and 1 gallon
Florida Native Plants grown at our nursery.

Online sales will pause 04/22/24. All Orders will ship by 4/23/24

Packages are shipped on Weekdays Monday and Tuesday 04/22/24 the online store will close for nursery renovations.

Pesticide Free Plants

Solar Powered Facility

Butterfly Host 

Plant Native Habitat. 

Support our pollinators. 

Germination mix available 

Follow planting instructions below. 

Let us know you are having success.

Email - floridanativewildflowers@gmail.com 

 Pictured: Stokes Aster

Support Pollinators

Planting Instructions

Add Soil to Pot

Add soil to pot or plant in direct parent soil in beds.

Add Germination Mix

Top Dress with Germination mix in a pot or on top of parent soil in bed.

Add Fresh Seeds from Packet

Add seeds from packet and water gently.  Keep moist in sunlight, water until established.
If you are storing seeds, keep in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator.